I am a fan of animation and love looking at data. But when you put the two together, there is a stronger connection between the numbers and the reader - a more fluid comprehension of what the story is behind the data, rather that just a grouping of numbers or graphs. I believe this holds true for those who don't look at data or statistics as part of our jobs or daily lives.
So, in an effort to find examples of these connections between data and understanding, I am compiling a few animations that I found make this connection in an interesting way.
Introduction to Chatroulette
Nice low-tech examples of pie charts and other visualizations using stop-motion animation. NOTE - even though the topic has potential to be "X" rated, this clip on Chatroulette is PG-13.
Michael Pollan's Food Rules
Nice illustration of a narrative recorded my Michael Pollan. While this appears to have computer assistance, the concept could be easily animated on your kitchen table or using cut-out animation of photos.
The World is Obsessed with Facebook
I put this in the category of animated info graphic. No narration - just text. Easily to follow and read and keeps your mind engaged on the content consistantly.
100 Years of Beer
Another info graphic example - ok, because beer is good
Dan's Annual Report
Guess we can now look at our own loves through info graphics.
Dataveyes Company
Good description of new careers coming up around data.